Friday, June 3, 2011

Storyboard 2

My second story idea involved something stealing their food. It couldn't be a mouse because a mouse wouldn't be strong enough to carry it. I had to think of something that was big enough to run off with their food, but small enough that the kid would chase it.
I decided on an emu chick.
It starts of the same as my other idea with them drawing in the dust, and the girl offers him the stick, while he is drawing an emu chick comes up and pecks at their little pouch of food, and then runs off with it. The boy is upset that the emu stole the food so he chases after it to get the food back. The girl chases after him because she doesn't think it's a good idea. Then the emu's father comes out the chases after the kids. To escape the kids climb the tree and sit there waiting, the emu ends up falling asleep, and they watch the sun set from in the tree.

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