Thursday, October 20, 2011

Animatic 39

Today I recorded and added a few more sound effects, emu chick footsteps (a bead necklace), pecking (thuds), emu's beak snapping shut after missing boy's foot (earring case snapping shut combined with a clap). I extended the music at the start and slightly altered the timing of the music going into and out of the cave.

I also cleaned up a few more scenes, some random pixel row along the bottom of some of the backgrounds (both Uluru, cave and jump backgrounds). I also changed the colour of the two drawing scene backgrounds so that they are actually closer to the colour of the ground rather than being too orange and standing out as different.

Had to clean up the legs and arms of the boy putting food in his mouth.

I also looked at my back story and tried to work out dates for when everything happens, to work out proper ages and even birthdays of the characters, since it's possible that one of the characters might have a birthday during the series, and I have to make sure all the dates add up.

I tried to get my brother to do Benji's voice, but it kept coming out too deep or throaty, so I ended up doing another recording myself.

I also added two frames of the close up of the girl where I moved her arm a little bit, so it looks like she is drawing, rather than just being a still image.

Background: Drawing 1:

Background: Drawing 2:

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