Monday, October 17, 2011

Animatic 36

Today and yesterday I edited the minor details that I noitised when watching the video of my animation last time. It was mostly cleaning up frames where the colour was going out of the lines. I also had to change the arms in the chibi side run cycle, so that they wouldn't swap when the kids run in the opposite direction. And added the bag and emu chick to the chibi front run away scene (26).
The only thing I have to do now is put the bag and emu chick in one of the scenes where the children are in the tree with the emu below them.
Other than that I've considered adding a scene between the girl shocked and the lowering of the emu in the bag, of a caterpillar crawling along a branch. This would break it up, show time passing and extra detail about the area as the children help the emu chick, putting it in the bag off screen.

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