Thursday, October 13, 2011

Animatic 34

I have extended my animation. It has gone from 1 minutes and 30 seconds to almost 1 minute 50 seconds.

I animated shines in the emu's eyes to make it look more sad, and extended the scene as necessary.
I animated the title sequence, so that the characters's names draw onto the scene, rather than fade in, this is what took the longest. It also required lengthening of the title scene and scene 1. I also made mini compositions for each of the words being drawn and of different title elements that had significant animation.
I lengthened the credits as well, which wasn't difficult.
I edited the boy jumping side scene to have a trail of transparent images following his jump.The scene of the girl reaching out was also extended by a few frames, and the two focused on drawing scenes.

I also did some sound work. I had to lengthen the start music as it ended up too short after the first scenes had been extended. I edited more of my dog's whines to make the squawks of the adult emu...I also had to lengthen and edit the end music, and edited the boy's voice slightly to be louder and played around with the pitch. I also moved the audio lines so they weren't as close together.

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