Thursday, September 29, 2011

Animatic 30

And now my animation has sound. I spent most of today listening to and editing the music aquired from my brother. Some of the music I couldn't use because it didn't suit the theme of my animation. However most of it I was able to, and I only had to make small changes like cropping sections or copying parts in order to make the music run for long enough. For the first piece of music I also lowered the tempo, so it played slower and well as making it longer.

For the emu's feet landing I cut and copied a loud guitair part from the end of the music piece and put it at the start to abruptly interupt the animation as the emu enters, and I reused that sound in a later scene when the emu is charging.

As well as adding sound, I also increased the length (and slowed down) the first two scenes, and lengthened the scene with the boy drawing - adding a few frames to the animation.

Next I worked on the girl crying out, one of the first images I added to my animation. I edited her face for more of a side view, and then did a few frames of animation - mostly just moving the hair and arm.

Girl crying out:

Animation with music:

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