Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Animatic 29

Today I finished replacing the last of the storyboard images in my animatic. The boy's side jump.

Following this I edited some of the extra bits, including the temple vein, sweat drop and sprays, mostly in the run cycles but also in scene 26. I used reference images to check on the colours and way the shadow and shine work in the sweat drop.

Then I edited the timing of scene 22 to make it slower, as it was too fast. I increased the time it took for the camera to move up the emu, and then made the cut images slightly longer and further apart. I also extended scene 2 a little, as I felt it was too short.

I finished the day by animating the boy's hand moving a little as he draws in the dust.

Temple vein:

Sweat drop:


Boy's side jump:

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