Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Animatic 25

Yesterday afternoon/last night I continued to work on my emu animation. I edited the emu snapping animation, added a transparent copy of the animation to the scene running slightly slower to give a kind of blur effect. I also edited the face so that it's eyes are closed while it's opening and closing it's mouth, for the two frames before the sad face I made the eyes look as though they're slightly opening, and edited the head of the one directly before, to soften the transition to the sad face.

I also added the boy in the tree, in the scene where the emu is standing under it.

Then I added the boy's foot to the previous scene, and animated it. Then I animated the emu going towards the foot to bite it and just missing. I tried to make the head going towards the foot in slow motion and speed up as the beak closes and he narrowly escapes. It moving slow didn't give off the right feel, so I tried adding some transparent copies behind it. But I'm not sure that I've achieved the look I'm going for.

Edited emu snapping:

Boy in tree:

Kids trapped in tree scene:

Emu biting at boy's foot:

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