Sunday, October 23, 2011

Animatic 40

Today I put my characters in my animation, and then decided that it would be best to animate a walk cycle, so I did that. I animated both the boy and girl walking. I then put them in. I found that having them walk across and off the screen to be too distracting, so it was better to have them move very slowly part way across the screen, and slowly fade out to disappear before the full title "Outback Adventure" appears.

I considered switching the walk from them with all their gear from the start of the series, to them as they are at the start of this episode...but it didn't work. Because of the items they are holding - the wagon and the map, I couldn't use the same walk cycle...and changing the cycle looked strange, so I scrapped it. It works fine as it is, apart from potentially causing some confusion to those who might not know it's part of a series who would see that the characters do not have the same stuff as they do in the title sequence. I don't consider it to be a big issue though.

Boy with gear walk cycle:

Girl with gear walk cycle:

Boy without gear walk cycle:

Girl without gear walk cycle:

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