Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Animatic 11

Today I finished adding all of my backgrounds to my animatic. Before doing that I had to edit quite a few of them. I created seperate files for each background, regardless of whether the same image appears more than once, so that it will be easier to make changes later. (Instead of 26 backgrounds I have 46 - one for each scene)

I also added sunsets to some of my other backgrounds for towards the end of the animation. I haven't completely decided when the sun should set in my animation. It could either stay where it is, or be earlier (after they leave the cave), or later either after they have been in the tree for a while, or else not until they are out of the tree. This will be a matter or opinion and experimentation.

I also fixed up the issue with the flame background, changing the many layers of copies to only three layers with altering opacity levels. I still plan to work on the timing of the flames, slow them down a bit.

And this is my animatic so far, with all of the aforementioned changes:

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