Yesterday I started by working on the inbetween frames for the hand drawing animation. I found that I didn't need one between every frame only two of them. Then I used all the frames to trace the line more accurately.
Next I worked on the silhoette walk cycle, which wasn't too difficult. I only had to do half a cycle since its a silhoette and you can't see the difference between legs and an inbetween between each pose so it wasn't too fast or jumpy. Then I had to speed up the groud movement a bit so that it matched with the speed of the walk to look more like the emu was actually walking on it. I did add a little bit of secondary animation, but nothing fancy, just subtle. My biggest concern was not having it look weird with all of the movement happening on the same frames.
After that I worked on something simple. The back of the boy's head in scene 22, with the emu towering over him. This didn't take very long. Following that I did the close up on the boy's face crying, and I also added a flipped version of the chibi girl's side shocked look, towards one of the last scenes.
The next thing I did took the rest of the night and I finished working on this morning, and that was rearranging the front boy into the kindersitting pose and the side girl into the couching pose for scene 2. I finished the boy last night, and had to tweek the girl some more this morning. I found that she looked too old, and tried altering her profile to make her nose less prominent and her chin small, and the length of her body a bit smaller.
Then I resized, saved the pose and stuck it in my animation. Then I returned the image to its original big size and copied the girl into a new file for the close up.
Next I ended up editing the drawing, to make the lines stand out more against the rest of the background. Then I figured out a way to animated the drawing that was easy, fast and effective. I removed the river from one image using the clone tool, then with another removed the background from the river. Then I placed the river above the background without in Aftereffects and used a mask to cover it, and animated the mask to make the line appear with the stick.
Then I spent the rest of the day working on the close up of the boy's body as he takes food out of the bag. I did frame by frame movement of the arm reaching into the bag and coming out again. I ended up having to play around with the order of a lot of the frames to make it look more natural (including deleting some and making copies of others).
My silhoette walk cycle:

The back of the boy's head:

The boy's crying face:

The kids siting:

The girl close up:

2 frames of the boy taking food out of the bag animation:

And the animatic: