Thursday, December 15, 2011

Outback Adventure - The Great Emu Chase

Since submitting my thesis, including my animation a few weeks ago, I have edited my animation a little. Nothing major. Mostly the sound, cleaning it up and making sure it's not too loud, and re-added the temple vein to the emu's head in the flaming scene. I didn't realise it was missing. I must have hidden it while I was cleaning the emu up and forgotten to unhide it. But yeah, fixed those things in preparation for sending it to the Melbourne International Animation Festival :)

Outback Adventures Cover Design

As well as a DVD disc design, I also designed a DVD cover, around about the 23rd of November.
I used a number of DVD covers as references to try to make it look professional. To include a rating and the other details listed on the back. It only took about a day to put together.